IMPORTANT Before clicking the button to Submit Form, please read these 5 points:
1. Please check all walk details carefully NOW on this page. A summary will appear after you press Submit Form, but it will only appear for a few seconds. Do not worry, the details will be sent to us.
2. After clicking the Submit Form button below, wait for the form to be sent, and then click CONTINUE on top right of screen. You may safely ignore adverts and surveys, as they are completely optional!
3. As soon as possible I will send you a copy of how your walk will look on our programme and on Ramblers Walksfinder.
To avoid errors please proof-read both versions and email me with your approval or request for any alteration.
4. If you have more walk details, great! Just repeat the process on a new form.
5. Use your browser back arrow to leave this form without sending your details (NB all entries will be lost).
Thank you
South Cotswold Group Walks Coordinator