Maurice Dyett News updated 01/10/15 Maurice pictured at Ham in 2012 where 37 of us turned up for his walk ---- Update on Maurice Dyett from his sister Sharron - 1 October 2015 Maurice has made real improvements and we are all feeling much more positive about the future. He can now walk a few steps with help and last week he moved from Breadstones to a reablement unit at Bourtonon-the -Water. It's less than half a mile from the centre of Bourton-on-the-Water and has plenty of parking. The address is: Kingham Unit, Jubilee Lodge, Meadow Way, Bourton-on-the-Water, GL54 2HQ Tel 01451 823100 He is there for intensive therapy, so he can have daily physio to help him improve further before moving on. The unit is lovely and modern. He has his own room with en-suite facilities. There is also a pretty garden and sitting room and the staff are happy to help him into a wheelchair so visitors can push him out into the garden or sitting room for a change of scenery. He'd welcome a visit if anyone is in the area and is now much better in himself than earlier this year and very much up for a chat. He has his mobile phone with him, so people could also ring him. If anyone is thinking of visiting you can call any time but they ask that you avoid mealtimes - lunch is 12.30 to 1.30. Kind regards, Sharron ---- Message from David - 28 September 2015 Maurice has now moved to Jubilee Lodge, Bourton on the Water, GL54 2GN. He is in the rehabilitation unit where during the week he should receive daily physiotherapy to help him walk and to regain his independence. We went to see him yesterday and he is still in good spirits and pleased to know that members are asking about him. ---- Message from Sophia - 9 June 2015 Linda and I visited Maurice yesterday and took him out in a wheel chair. His mind seems in excellent shape, but his leg and arm are not good. He needs more physio, but it is hard to get. He was cheerful and glad to see us. He was looking forward to the Cricket on Sky. Sophia ---- An Update on Maurice Dyett from his sister - 1 June 2015 Maurice is doing very well at the moment. He's at Breadstones Care Home and is loads better. The carers there have been fantastic. They've got him eating and drinking and that has made such a difference. He's put some weight back on. He has some movement back in his left arm and leg. He still can't walk but he is now really interested in starting physio which we hope will get off the ground in the next couple of weeks. We are still looking for somewhere in Sheffield but this will take some months and in the meantime he's getting great care at Breadstones. We visit each weekend and if anyone from the Cotswold Ramblers is in the area I know he'd love a visit. He has his own room and sitting room there with a nice outlook. Sharron, Maurices sister ---- Message from Heather and Mike 28/03/15: ![]() Heather and Mike write, "We visited Maurice on Friday afternoon, 27 April to see how he was getting on at Breadstone care home (very easy to find, just off the A38 only 3 miles S of Stroudwater roundabout, GL13 9HG). The staff were very welcoming, and offered us a drink. We were led along corridors and through many fire doors to his room (a complicated route, so memorise it for later reference). We found him in his chair, listening to the radio. He is in good spirits, and is very determined to make progress. He said the food was good, and was asked to say if he didn't like it. The room has a rural view, with sheep in the field, and rooks circling. He was pleased to see us, and said he'd welcome anyone else from the group who wishes to visit." ---- If anyone else wishes to add a report to this page, please just Contact Us If anyone wishes to communicate with Sharron and Anne, we will forward the message on to them. Mike---- Hi, Sally Thank you for posting our updates on Maurice. He is now in Breadstones. I gave you the wrong phone no on my previous email - the correct no is 01453 511059. He moved there on Monday, his friends Chris and Dave visited Monday evening and my sister, Anne and I visited Tuesday. He seemed much more comfortable there than in hospital and we had a good chat. He has a nice room with a sitting room and the staff really welcomed us. He can have visitors any time except early morning when they're getting people up. We are still looking for somewhere in Sheffield but I think this may take some time, in the meantime we are hoping he can stay at Breadstones. Kind Regards Sharron 26/03/15 ---- Hi, Sally Thank you for posting our last message on the South Cotswold Ramblers website. More news - the plan is for Maurice will be moving to Breadstones Nursing Home next Monday 23 March. The address is Breadstone, Nr Berkeley, GL13 9HG. Tel 08453 455782. If anyone wants to visit him there I know he'd appreciate it. In the meantime he's still in ward 8A at Gloucester RH. Kind regards Sharron 20/03/15 ---- A message from Sharron and Anne, Maurice's sisters, 09/03/15: Hi, Sally. Just an update on Maurice. Things have been tricky over the last few weeks as the ward has been closed due to norovirus and Maurice has suffered from that. He is now over this and enjoying getting visitors again. Regarding the effects of his stroke, he has made lots of progress but is not able to manage at home alone. The hospital are now looking to discharge him and in the first instance they are looking for a care home in the Gloucester area. But longer term we are looking for one in Sheffield so he can be nearer to us for support. Maurice understands all this and it is what he wants under the circumstances but he is sad to be leaving Berkeley. We don't know when he'll be moving out of the hospital - it all depends on availability. But we will keep you informed and will let you know where he goes to. In the meantime, if any of you are able to visit Maurice he would be delighted to see you. He is still in ward 8A. Kind regards Sharron and Anne ---- 10/02/15 Mike and Heather write, "We visited Maurice in Ward 8a (in Bay B) yesterday, Monday 9th February. He spotted us across the ward on our arrival, and looked really pleased that we had come. His bed was by the window, and he valued being able to look out at the Cotswold hills. He sat up in bed. He was very alert and watching all the action in the ward, as well as talking to us. Pleasingly his speech was very clear. We showed him pictures of the Coaley walk we had led for him and he was very interested in them. He said he'd seen a recent picture of his dog, Charlie, and that he looked as mischievous as ever! We left him choosing his meal with a member of staff." ---- 08/02/15 Denys writes, "I visited Maurice in Ward 8a last Thursday 5th February. I arrive at exactly 6.00 pm when he was about to have his supper. He was fast asleep when I arrived but woke quickly and knew who I was. His speech was much better than I might have expected. The timing of the visit was apposite as I was able to tell him that Mike had led his walk from Cam Peak CP the previous day. He understood everything, responded quickly, and there was a flash of repartee with the Care Assistant who proceeded to feed him,- pureed Cheese and Ham pasty, which he said tasted of cheese and ham, pureed carrot and apple and custard, recognisable, for pud. Hes been given fluids via a tube into his stomach but has apparently only recently started on the pureed food by mouth." 06/02/15 Hello fellow ramblers, I visited Maurice Dyett this afternoon (Friday 6th Feb) and am so pleased to see the enormous improvement in him since last I visited 2 or 3 months ago when he was not able to communicate or move out of his chair. Well, we had a good conversation today and Maurice is able to walk, mainly with a zimmer. He's been to Sheffield, driven by his sister, and had some nice time with his dog, who was very pleased to see him. Maurice thinks he may be staying in Ward 8A for some time yet and would like some books, especially travel books if you have some he could read. The phone number to check that Maurice is still in the same ward is 03004 222 222 and press the number to get the Operator. See you out walking some time. Mick (Michelina) 31/01/15 Maurice - an update from his sister, Anne after Sally enquired: Hello Sally. Thank you for your email asking how Maurice Dyett is. He is still in Gloucester Hospital ward 8A, Tower Block. He is improving and working with the Therapists with standing etc. He is still easily tired, but his time awake is much longer and his speech is much better. We do keep telling him when you have asked about him, and he has some photos of the group by his bed. I am sure that if anyone can visit he will be very appreciative. Best wishes to yourself and the rest of the group. Anne NB Visiting times for Ward 8a according to Gloucester Royals website are : 3 - 4.30 and 6 - 8pm ---- 19/12/14 Sharron and Anne (Maurice's two sisters) write: Hi, Mike and Heather Anne and I thought we'd update you on Maurice's progress. We have visited him each week and today he was at his most alert yet. He was able to talk to us and the therapist told us they had got him standing for the first time this morning. He is still sleeping a lot and we are finding short visits work best. We think he may be moving to a nursing home in the new year but not sure when or where. We have a meeting to discuss this at the end of December and we will keep you informed. Very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and to the South Cotswold Ramblers. ---- 24/11/14 We visited Maurice today and left some photos with descriptions on the back of each photo. Hopefully the speech therapists will find them useful to communicate with Maurice. He was asleep, so if you do go into ward 8a, don't be surprised if he is asleep, but it might be your lucky day if you are able to chat to him a bit, asking him questions (see above). Mike and Heather ---- 23/11/14 I am one of Maurice's two sisters, and would like to thank you for your good wishes for Maurice, and also I know some of you have visited, thank you. As you know most of his family live in Sheffield and we are visiting as often as possible. We appreciate the support he is getting your your members and his friends from Berkeley area. Please visit if you can I know he will appreciate it. He seemed more aware when we went on Friday, but we know it is going to be a long recovery. Once again thank you and my good wishes to you all. I know that Maurice enjoyed his your company and his involvement with the organisation. Anne ---- 22/11/14 Hello. I'm Sharron, Maurice Dyett's sister. I visited him today with my sister, Anne and we thought we'd update you on his progress. Maurice is very poorly but we talked to the doctor and the therapists and they are working with him to get him back on track. He is finding it hard to communicate and he is sleeping an awful lot at the moment. Apparently this is normal and what the brain does to try and recuperate. The good news is that we have visited a couple of times a week since he has the stroke and today he was the most awake and lucid yet. I read him your cards and he clearly understood and appreciated them. Many many thanks to Richard and Di for visiting and posting your message. And thanks to Jacqui, Karen and Tony, Sally and Keith and James Skinner - I read Maurice your cards and he clearly does understand and appreciate your good wishes. James - he clearly remembered the walk you described and corrected me when I read out your note about the walk ending at the Salutation. I think he's in for the long haul here but your stories, cards, visits and good wishes can only help. Kind regards. Sharron Dyett (Sheffield) PS Maurice's neighbour, Emma took immediate responsibility for Charlie, the dog and cared for him beautifully for the first couple of weeks. He is now happily placed with my sister, Anne in Sheffield and I've seen him just this morning looking very cheerful indeed. Please feel free to circulate my note to anyone who might be interested and to pass on my contact details if they wish. I'm happy to drop a line again to keep people up to date. I know how much Maurice enjoys the group and values the friendships he has made there. One of the things the speech therapist suggested is that if people visit they talk, ask questions, try and get him interested and responding. The staff at the hospital are struggling for subject matter because of course they don't know him. So we have given them a bit of a potted history to try and help. ----18/11/14 Mick Keay writes, "Hello. I visited Maurice this afternoon in ward 8a and he was sitting in the chair beside the bed. The nurse told me that this was the first time he'd been out of bed. He's still wired up and it's still nil-by-mouth. It's difficult to know what to chat about because he can't answer back yet but I'm sure he'd be glad of more visitors from Ramblers." ---- 13/11/14 Richard writes, "Di and I visited Maurice Dyett this week and took him a card from South Cots. He is not at all well and is not able to communicate to any great extent. He does not have family in the area and would probably benefit from visits from a few friends. If anybody feels they can get along to Gloucestershire Royal he is in Ward 8a and visiting hours are 3.00 - 4.30 and 6.30 - 8.30. If anybody is in Gloucester or feel that they can spare time to pop in and visit him I am sure that as little as 10 minutes would be much appreciated and might help to stimulate his recovery." ----9/11/14 David has been in
touch to say that Maurice has had a stroke a week or so ago. Richard
is taking a card on behalf of the group but you might wish to send an
individual one too. |