Arlingham walk - Wednesday 14 December 2016 Previous Next Central Arlingham. Unusual markings on the side of a house Striding out towards the Severn Winter sunshine on the water Thinking of jumping Des bird res with 6 rooms Look out, Jim, your equestrian friend is about to take a bite Views across the river Towards Wick Court Farm, a country retreat for city children The ladies looking in fine form We now reach the river again A pylon reaches out from the other side Still on the banks of the Severn with the Forest of Dean on the other side Tide going out A bit of agricultural history As we start to edge inland Where they celebrate Christmas Where Ray bids a fond farewell - I think Arlingham Church bathed in sunshine Now following the Severn Way The Forest of Dean on the other side Now heading inland Obligatory coffee stop Plenty of solar power As we head downhill Continuing through an old orchard Di prefers this version Once more on the Severn Way Flotsam? Jetsam? Rubbish? We stop to admire the view The cliffs near Westbury-on-Severn A bit more Now on the outskirts of Arlingham Getting back to the Red Lion Photos and captions by Richard, processed and uploaded by Sally