Bisley leisurely walk - Monday 5 August 2019 Previous Next All Leader Brian heads for the back of the car park but changes his mind And heads out the front way into the village Where it is dog walking time Gardens full of colour And cars And you thought they were produced in a factory in Birmingham or Tokyo Probably winter bedding Time to stop and stare At the range of men's hats And across the valley In all directions Now down into Battlescombe Leader Brian. Does pottering around on an electric bike qualify him to wear a Tour de France leader's jersey? Mike checks his GPS before crossing a stile Brian makes sure everybody is over safely As we head up the valley through meadows of wild flowers And long grass Looking across the pond to the farmhouse A pause at Water Point Bisley Church across a field of wheat What are they looking at? Yes waiting to see if the tail enders can cross the road safely Now along the side of the Toadsmoor Valley Houses across the other side Cricketty Mill As we make our descent Then up into Bisley Up the regularly restored steps Quite a climb for the end of the walk Through the churchyard And school back to the cars Photos and captions by Richard, uploaded by Sally