Eastleach figure of 8 walk - Wednesday 18 May 2016 Previous Next The weather forecast had not been encouraging but the rain had stopped and we set off from Eastleach to Southrop Back marker Ros seems happy enough, as is John in his scarlet top We stop at the gate and Ros tells us something about the time she worked in Southrop An impressive house, but the shutters are closed Colourful azaleas The emblematic Swan of Southrop Those wearing wellies can wash off the mud from the field Blue comfrey - not a common sight There are two churches in Eastleach, this is the Church of St. Andrew, which is still used for services. Just across the bridge is the Church of St. Michael and St. Martin, now in the hands of the Churches Conservation Trust We pose on the clapper bridge over the River Leach, like thousands of tourists before us. We pass the former alms houses in Eastleach, built in 1871 for Sir Thomas Bazley, now a row of houses And try to interpret the centre panel. Apparently it says 'THE GIFT OF WILLIAM ATKINSON IN MEMORY OF ROBERT TAPDNER'. Back at the Victoria Inn, we admire this stunning tree, which the gardener tells us is a Bird Cherry After a very good lunch, 7 of us continue to do the northern loop around the River Leach. Wisteria abounds Climbing along walls We pass another attractive house And enter the Hatherop Estate, owned by the above-mentioned Bazley family for over 130 years, before it was handed over to the Ernest Cook Trust We walk round the bowl Beside the River Leach This is a memorial to a horse The cows aren't interested in us, even though they have cute calves with them Threatening clouds, but the sun is shining on a field of oil seed rape in the direction of the Marlborough Downs in the distance. We continue, heading back towards Eastleach Banks of buttercups An impressive tree against the dark sky In contrast the blossom in the sunlight is lovely And we pose near the end of our walk. And we head back into Cam Photos by Ron (am) and Sally (pm), captions and processing by Sally, uploaded by Mike