Framilode walk - Wednesday 22 August 2018 Previous Next We're starting from the Ship at Framilode Don't hold out a lot of hope for these firs Here it is last January We get to the towpath Patrick talks to his mates at the Willow Trust while backmarker Colin waits Like the idea of hen parties This is where the troll lives While Sarah and Ann try on walking boots Mistletoe Fretherne Church Back to the Severn again St. Peter's church at Framilode Past the Engineer's house 21 out today for Ann's walk This is the stile that was underwater when Ann did this walk before Made from an old crane, Patrick says At Saul Junction This was turned into a cafe but never got permission to be used as such John and Enid brave the 3 Billy Goats Gruff bridge Down to the River Severn for coffee Colourful lichen Waiting in a gateway Obviously a collector Looking further round the bend With its fish emblem And back along the green canal Photos, captions and uploading by Sally