FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Our Walks
Who can walk with the South Cotswold Ramblers Group?
Anyone at all - you don't have to be a member to come out with the Group up to 3 times. Just turn up on the day. Ring the leader first if you have any questions. We hope you will then join us after a few walks at www.ramblers.org.uk Alternatively you can print out a form or join The Ramblers on line. Quote South Cotswold Group if you wish to belong to this group. As a member you will receive discounts on clothing and equipment available from many retailers, so you can often easily recoup the annual cost of membership. You can also walk with other Ramblers' Groups all over the country.
Members of other Ramblers' Groups are always most welcome on our walks, as are visitors from abroad.
What are the walks (and walkers) like?
We are friendly to newcomers, and most of our walks are labelled Moderate, and average out at about 2 miles an hour. Our leaders make sure that no one gets left behind, and walk at a pace that suits the majority of us.
We also do Leisurely paced walks on Mondays, when the pace is about 1.5 miles an hour, and there are plenty of chatting opportunities. This type of walk has been done for over eight years now, and is very popular.
There are, very occasionally, Faster paced walks.
Please consider the distance and the type of countryside (see below), especially if you haven't done much walking recently. Try a shorter, easier walk first. Do ring the leader at a reasonable time if you have any questions.
Walking in our scenic area can sometimes be fairly energetic, but the climbs are usually well worth the effort for the wide views. We have devised the following categories of terrain to give you some idea of what you are in for! We also encourage leaders to describe the route of the more challenging walks to give you some idea, eg 500 feet of climbing near the end.
Terrain 0 Level.
Terrain 1 Not much climbing.
Terrain 2 Hilly and level mix.
Terrain 3 Quite hilly.
Terrain 4 Very hilly.
If you are thinking of doing a Terrain 3 or Terrain 4 walk, it is a good idea to ring the leader to see what the hills are like and whether the walk is suitable for you. Proper walking boots are highly desirable, especially in wet and slippery conditions.
Please do not walk ahead of the leader, unless you are specifically asked to. The Ramblers cannot take responsibility for any loss, damage or injury occurring on any walk or event.
What about dogs on walks?
the group has a policy of Registered Assistance Dogs only. Dogs covered by the Disability Equality Act (2010) are hearing dogs, guide dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs and seizure alert dogs, all of whom are very welcome on our walks.
How many come on a walk?
Not all of our nearly 350 members. We probably see about 160 of our members at some time during the year, and are grateful for the support and interest of all the others in supporting Ramblers' charitable work both nationally and locally.
Of course we are also pleased to see members from other Ramblers' Groups taking part, and also a steady stream of members of the public giving our Group a try. Do come!
Attendances vary according to the weather and average a pleasant 20, where it is possible to have a chat with everyone (and likely too).
Where do we meet?
The start point varies, and is shown in the description, together with a grid reference. The online Walks Programme will show you starting point maps. Alternatively you might need to phone the leader for help in finding the place if you ring at a reasonable time.
In adverse conditions it is the leader’s decision whether to cancel or shorten the walk, taking into account walkers' health and safety. Please ring the leader if there is any doubt before travelling, or see our website Message Board for any late changes or cancellations.
Ordnance Survey maps are referred to in locating the start points and can be used for following the walks:
L = Landranger (Pink) 1:50,000
E = Explorer (Orange) 1:25,000
Please aim to arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the start time, ready for a prompt start.
Car sharing is encouraged, and several members take turns in offering each other lifts. If you don't drive it is suggested that you offer the driver a contribution.
What about food and drink?
Bring plenty of water, as walking is thirsty work, and dehydration can really happen!
The details on each individual walk tell you whether you need a packed lunch, a snack or it's just a coffee stop.
Lunch arrangements on our walks:
Occasionally a pub lunch is available after a walk. Of course you are free to picnic on any walk, but not usually in the pub.
What to wear
Wear strong footwear, and decide whether to carry waterproofs and warmer clothing. Several thin layers are a good idea for flexible temperature control. A simple personal first aid kit is recommended, as is a mobile phone and a whistle for an emergency.
A backmarker is usually appointed on walks. If you wish to drop behind for a comfort stop, please make sure the backmarker knows, and tell them on your return. If you notice people are getting behind and in danger of getting separated, give a long blast on your whistle to halt the party.
Please take care
All leisure activities have inherent hazards associated with them including rambling. In spite of participants’ safety always being the paramount concern, accidents will occasionally occur. It is important that each person appreciates their responsibility to identify hazards and take all reasonable steps to eliminate or minimise the potential for accidents.
We look forward to seeing you. Do contact us if you still have a question.