Frocester walk - Wednesday 6 March 2019 Previous Next One wag of his finger and Patrick has everyone's attention Our route takes us past a pond Across sodden fields And round the edge of a stubble field A steep descent to the railway Negotiated with difficulty Dairy Crest (or Muller) standing out up the valley Another stubble field but a good path crossing it Colourful display at entrance to Eastington Following a narrow path Then a stop for coffee I can walk and eat an apple, says Brian Reaching the old Frocester Church We attempt the Guinness record for the number of people we can get in a lych gate The lonely tower, the rest of the church having been moved to Stonehouse Three wise monkeys Crossing the Coaley to Frocester road And then over the railway again A cause for much speculation Now across the middle of a stubble field - we all end up 6 inches taller Then a wide track takes us back to Frocester Photos and captions by Richard, uploaded by Sally