Laurie Lee walk - Saturday 11 May 2019 Previous Next A quick look over her shoulder to check for latecomers and Sally is ready to go As we head off down a tree lined path Can't miss the path Past a pond Where we examine a poem by Laurie Lee As we head downhill Wooded slopes behind us Cowslips We cross over a stream in the company of horses And across to the other side Before we make our way into the woods As we continue through the woods Unusual flowers Horses grazing in the fields below We make our way into the Laurie Lee Woods Nature Reserve With more views of Slad Orchid Now heading down into the valley Then an uphill climb Bluebells Handy seat after our climb through Frith Wood Passing our first Laurie Lee marker Round a bend Down to the very bottom And up the other side Looking down the valley Continuing along the side of the hill Pressing on down To the bottom of the Dillay Valley and Snow's Farm Nature Reserve And look down the valley Taking a break Now with views across to the racing yard Coming out onto a road Slad village in view across the valley Leaving the road And head up onto Swifts Hill And back down the valley towards Stroud Pond Past another pond I eat Ramblers for breakfast Wisteria Before heading back to the cars Photos and captions by Richard, uploaded by Sally