Graham gets out his notes (surely he doesn't need notes, he knows everything about Lineover Wood)
This is where we are going
Tall straight Norway spruces and some bent over
There are Western Red Cedars
It pays to look up at this Grand Fir
Graham points out these large leafed limes
The Wayfaring Tree
We continue on a path
It's a lovely evening
1000 year old Large-leafed lime coppice
Views over to the Malverns
Hemp agrimony
Autumn crocus
A famous large-leafed lime tree
It's not easy balancing on a bank with a camera and torch and trying to focus, but the gist of this plaque in a cleft in that tree is that it was here in the reign of Elizabeth 1
Our final famous tree is thought to be the 3rd largest beech tree in England
Enid demonstrates its size
Back down to the bottom of the wood past Black Pines where we head for the surprisingly busy Koloshi Indian Restaurant and have really excellent curries.
Photos, captions and uploading by Sally, assisted by Graham