Luckington walk - Saturday 18 August 2018 Previous Next Looking a bit like a scene from a Spaghetti Western, the men of South Cots Are ready to lead us into battle Following John to the ends of the earth - when he has worked out which way that is So we head out of Luckington Across fields Our path briefly lined with flowers Of all colours Heading down into a familiar valley A large farm behind us Our leader's boot protects us from a dangerous strand of barbed wire On to Sopworth Through the village Catching up - Graham had stopped to look at a tree Hanging baskets looking good Our route follows a wide farm track Till we stop for coffee And cake from John Taking it easy We are watching you The source of one of the Avons Continuing over a field followed by a short road walk Which ends when a stone slab stile Takes us along the side of a valley Past a cottage With some splendid floral displays And the knicker elastic factory Over the river And through Grove Wood Nature Reserve Up a bank - a hand pointing the way Looking back at Sherston Church And ahead to Brookend Which we soon reach Through the village Identified by Graham as Turkish Hazel Through Sherston Churchyard Along the drive And back into the village Photos and captions by Richard, uploaded by Sally