Old Messages

Wed 10 July – road closure

01 Jul 2024

It appears that the Bisley Road out of Stroud will be closed on this day. You can access Bisley from Stroud by using the valley road through Brimscombe (signed to Cirencester), then turning up Toadsmoor Road. Thanks to Lorraine for that. Sally

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Not long to book and pay for Summer Picnic walk

24 Jun 2024

You should have received an email newsletter from either Ros or Janet which included details of our Summer Picnic in July. Because we need to send numbers in to the caterers we need you to book and pay soon. If you missed the email, you can find it here: https://www.southcotswoldramblers.org.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/News-June-2024.pdf

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Summer Picnic Walk – Saturday 27 July – how to book and pay

10 Jun 2024

All South Cotswold Ramblers members are invited to a Picnic Lunch on Saturday 27 July at Upton St. Leonards at the Birchall Memorial Club (BMI club -8 Bondend Road, Upton St Leonards, GL4 8AG) The cost (to cover food, tea and coffee and hire of hall) will be £14 per person. To attend this you…

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Important information for all walkers

05 May 2023

All the walks in the South Cotswold Ramblers Programme are stored on a national Ramblers database and this is what you are looking at currently when you click on the links on the South Cotswold Ramblers home page to see what walks are coming up. The old Ramblers database known as GWEM (Guided Walks and…

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Gunhouse Lane – additional footpath

13 Nov 2022

Details of this can be found here https://www.southcotswoldramblers.org.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/General-made-notice44622.pdf

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Footpath – to add a length of restricted byway to the Definitive Map (legal record of public rights of way) in the parishes of Uley & Nympsfield.

21 Jan 2022

This goes from Cockadilly  SO 79724 00347 to the reservoir near Hetty Pegler’s Tump ST 79189 99918 Details HERE

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Path reopened – MMH 96 – Box Wood at Devils Elbow – Pensile Road

05 Dec 2021

I’m pleased to say that footpath MMH 96 in Box Wood is now fully open again and the diversion has been removed. The new steps are looking splendid and already offer much easier and safer access than the stone stile, though the lovely old stile remains in place as a feature of that entrance. It…

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Footpath update

15 Nov 2021

For quite some time now the footbridge at Ebley (SO 82611 04534 on footpath MCA7) has been blocked off to prevent its use after it was condemned as dangerous. This bridge is on one of the branches of the Cotswold Way and although an alternative was available by the Council Offices is absence limited walking…

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Cotswold Gateways

19 Apr 2021

In case you haven’t come across Gateway routes, thanks to Sue for pointing them out. Some excellent ideas for walks here: https://www.cotswoldsaonb.org.uk/visiting-and-exploring/walking/cotswold-gateways/

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Slow Ways

25 Feb 2021

We were recently sent this message about Slow Ways that might be of interest to South Cots members: As I understand it Slow Ways is a new organisation who, working in collaboration with Ordnance Survey, have developed a proposed network of 110,000 km of existing pathways to join all towns and cities and thousands of…

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Members: Are any of you newly online?

03 Oct 2020

Seeing how so much shopping has been done online recently, I wonder if any members who normally have a paper group newsletter could let us know their NEW email address. We will then be able to notify you immediately of any further news about the Group. Just reply here CONTACT US Thanks Mike Garner Membership

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Data Protection – Important Message from Richard

03 Jun 2018

As most members are aware, over the last few years we have encouraged you to accept email communication. This makes it much easier for volunteers who are involved in the distribution of Newsletters and Walks Programmes as it relieves us of the need to print off letters, stuff envelopes and post them. It also saves…

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Safeguarding Policy – Children on Walks

15 Mar 2017

Safeguarding Policy – Children on Walks Ramblers have now given all Groups guidance about children on Group Walks. It is very rare that we do see children on our walks, but leaders need to be aware of the new guidance in case anyone under 18 turns up on your walk. See Leaders – News and…

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