Our Footpath Support Group needs help – could it be you?
Our Group was set up in the 1970's as a Footpath Group and walks started years later.
However the work of volunteers is still very much needed in keeping an eye on our wonderful path network.
We need more help, having only 5 volunteers on the committee!
If you don't fancy meetings (just 4 a year), we do need more members to check and report back to Bob the situation on the ground near to them, on matters such as obstructions, diversion applications, planning applications and their effect on public rights of way. We do have a rather small team of members are willing to visit cases in their patch and report back to Bob. With approaching 400 members of the Group it would be good to have more help on the odd occasion.
For more information, please contact Bob Frewin, our volunteer Chairman and Secretary on 01453 545752, or email footpaths@southcotswoldramblers.org.uk
More information here https://www.southcotswoldramblers.org.uk/wp/our-footpath-support-group/