Painswick walk - Saturday 4 March 2017 Previous Next Leaving Painswick on Alex's walk A pause to catch our breaths after a climb And to take in the views over the valley Our path follows between two hedgerows Bringing us to a stream at the bottom of the valley Which we follow for a while Crossing over a bridge Then heading uphill Painswick Beacon in the distance Sheep quietly grazing A stop for coffee Before continuing round the top of Hudinknoll Hill Towards Edge Following Alex down into the valley What you might call a stately home of chicken coops Once a difficult stile with a low branch to bang your head on. Now just an overhanging roof Everlasting flowers? 3 chairs. 3 tubs. 3 bushes. Significant? Another pause as we come out onto a narrow lane Then we continue round the side of the hill Parallel with the Cotswold Way Something special A new outfit? Looking down over the site of the new incinerator Then reaching the top of Haresfield Beacon We then follow the ridge Looking South down the Cotswolds As we make our way Over to the Topograph A rainbow framing Pitchcombe A sharp shower leaves some looking wet Views across the valley And up to Painswick As we cross a muddy part of the Cotswold Way Requiring some careful negotiation Down past the Cotswold Way marker Mistletoe standing out on the tree More mud to test our sense of balance And a display of crocuses to greet us as we return to Painswick Photos and captions by Richard, processed and uploaded by Sally