Slow Ways
We were recently sent this message about Slow Ways that might be of interest to South Cots members:
As I understand it Slow Ways is a new organisation who, working in collaboration with Ordnance Survey, have developed a proposed network of 110,000 km of existing pathways to join all towns and cities and thousands of villages as directly as possible. Ultimately the plan is for a nation map of routes that will be searchable and allow route planning. All routes start at central places such as bus and train stations and pass through stopping places such as pubs, shops, cafes. The organisation are at the stage of having the full map of proposed routes that now need walking testing and recording. They are looking for 10,000 walkers to undertake this task. People can sign up as individuals or as groups. I have signed up as an individual but wonder if there are any plans for any local groups to sign up to help test the routes? There are a few members of the Wotton Area Community Action Group who are interested.
Is something that people in your group would be interested in either as part of your group or a group set up specifically to test the Slow Routes locally. It might be good to have some local input into the proposed plans.
Ann, as Chair, has registered an interest in this on our behalf, but individuals might be interested in investigating this. Sally