
Not a member? Why not try up to three walks. See below.


CLICK HERE to see ALL our  planned walks. Scroll down to see a list of our walks under Upcoming Walks and Events. Click the title of your walk to see full details.

After trying out and enjoying up to three of our walks, we hope you will wish to join our friendly group. Details of how to join Ramblers are here.

See photos of some of our walks here

Current Group Walk Guidelines click here.

Late News

—– You can see details of our walks below the photo on this Home page or under Walks, Walks Programme —– Photos of our walks up to 15 September are on the Photos page —–

Latest on the Message Board

Saturday 21st September – 2 walks

There are 2 walks next Saturday. One is a 10.5 mile FASTER paced walk led by Alex Y starting from Minchinhampton church. The other is 5.5 mile moderately paced walk led by Karen from Coaley Peak Picnic Site mainly on paths in Woodchester Park. Alex’s details do not record correctly on the Ramblers website (which…

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Please can we have Walks details in by Friday 6 September

Thank you to the leaders who have booked a date to lead a walk (though there are still some dates with no leader i.e. no walk). Can you get your walk details to Karen by 5th Sept please to enable her to check them and  get them on the Ramblers website ready for the printed…

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Well Being Walks

I have been contacted by the Community Support Officer at Cotswold District Council to ask if any of our members would be interested in leading Well Being walks of 10 – 60 minutes . Please contact me on the contact email address on the website if you feel this is something you may be interested…

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Emergency Contact cards – laminating

We have been giving out Emergency Contact cards on walks for South Cots members to carry in their rucksacks in case of an Emergency (if you haven’t got one, Ann and Sally have some with them). Obviously they need to be waterproof. Keith has bought a laminator and pouches from a charity shop for a…

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Barrow Wake Car Park

If any walk leaders are thinking about leading a walk from barrow Wake the car park is closed for 30 weeks, the access road is still available for parking. It’s something to do with the road works.

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Five Valleys Walk – Sunday 29 September

If anyone is interested in this, details can be found on The Five Valleys Walk 2024

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Printable programme of walks July to September is now on the website

Under Walks > Walks Programme. Once again thanks to Dave I because, as usual, something changed from the last time we did it and I couldn’t have sorted it out without him! You should also be getting a link to it emailed to you either by Ros  or Janet.  Sally

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How to put an emergency contact number into your phone

You can set up an emergency contact number on your phone for someone to call (friend, family member) on your behalf without the need to know your password or screen lock. It doesn’t call 999, just the person you have nominated. HERE are the instructions. Ask if you need any help. Sally

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25% off OS Maps annual subscription

Ramblers members can get this discount by going to ramblers.org.uk/offers-and-promotions then click on the OS link and enter code RAMOSM at the checkout.  There are details about this on p.10 of the latest Walk magazine. Sally

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Deputy Membership Secretary – Janet W

We now have Janet helping Ros in her job as Membership Secretary. There is quite a lot of work involved (mainly caused by Ramblers Head Office’s unfriendly bureaucracy) so it is good to have someone else to share the load. The 99% of you who receive communication by email should have received the next walks…

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Thank you to the new walks leaders that have come forward

We are very grateful to the new leaders who have come forward for the July to September programme. It is important that we get new leaders to reduce the pressure on our existing leaders who are all doing more than their fair share, with the fear that they will get fed up and give up.…

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Leaders without a pre-organised backmarker

If you are a leader who doesn’t have a pre-organised backmarker who knows your route but rely on a volunteer in the car park beforehand, it would be very helpful if you could give them a copy of the map of your route so they know where you are going. Another option for people who…

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Weather Forecasts


A link to our walks UP TO THE END OF SEPTEMBER 2024 can be found either by Clicking on our Planned walks on the Home page (you can instantly see the first 4 but use the arrows to see more) or by using the Walks dropdown menu where, under Walks Programme, you can find a PRINTABLE TABLE.  On our Message board is a guide on how to find our walks on the Ramblers website, and who to contact if you have problems.

About the South Cotswold Ramblers Group

South Cotswold Ramblers Group is one out of nearly 500 in England, Scotland and Wales who are part of Ramblers, Britain's walking charity. VISIT RAMBLERS WEBSITE HERE.

Why not walk with us on our varied Group walks in the Stroud district in this beautiful part of Gloucestershire?  Every week we are putting on midweek and Saturday walks (up to 10 miles) and every month also two or three Monday easier (3 - 4 miles leisurely) walks. Get to know the best rambles around the Five Valleys around Stroud including the Slad Valley made famous in Laurie Lee's Cider with Rosie, Painswick, Westonbirt, Nailsworth, Berkeley, Slimbridge, Dursley, Frampton-on-Severn, Wotton-under-Edge and Tetbury as well as our regular walks outside this superb walking area.

If you decide to join our friendly walking group, you will also be supporting the valuable work of Ramblers in Britain and you will also be entitled to walk with any Ramblers' group in Great Britain!  It's easy to join our group here.

Come and try a few walks with us as soon as it is possible

VISITORS FROM ABROAD, you will be very welcome to join us on a walk (hike) without being members.

CARING FOR FOOTPATHS AND OTHER RIGHTS OF WAY - Our volunteer members keep an eye on the local footpath network, working with Gloucestershire Public Rights of Way (PRoW) Officers to help solve problems. Tell us about footpath problems here online.

FOOTPATH VOLUNTEERS - Some of our members clear and waymark paths, and erect and repair signposts and stiles. Could you help? 

WALK IN THE COTSWOLDS - see a map of our home area.

VISIT OUR HUGE PHOTO GALLERY - Our regularly updated walks photos show you our delightful area and the people who take part!

VISIT AGAIN - If you have enjoyed looking at our website, please visit again. Send us a message if you wish. We usually update the website several times a week. Good walking.

Recent changes to website