While some went to the Occupation Museum or shopping, 14 of the 18 of us joined Sam, our excellent leader, on a boat trip to Herm - no, not that boat, the one in the foreground!
Everyone seems happy
Though expecting a breezy 20 minutes
Because of the tide, we land on these steps
Greeted by a beautiful floral display
The view from the coastal path is inspiring
Ahead is Shell Beach
Which is where we are heading
A paradise of white sand, blue sea and grassy dunes
Several of us go paddling
Or sleep
Miles of beautiful quiet sand and sea
We split up here. It's possible to walk most of the way round the north of the island on the sandy beach
To the north it becomes rockier and we spot what we think are mussel growers harvesting their produce
And taking them across the shore to the harbour
Everyone noticed this!
A huge succulent which one of the South Cots would no doubt appreciate
An echium as tall as a lamp post
On our return the ferryman, already late, made an extra circuit so we could see the dolphins just outside the harbour*
On our return some of us went to the Tapestry Museum and returned through the town
Past this Victorian post box
Photos (apart from Angela's one of dolphins), captions, processing and uploading by Sally