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updated: Wed 6 July 2016 === OFFERING WALKS The new Dates Chart is now available, see link on left. Thank you in advance for getting in touch with the collectors: * Wednesdays Nov to Feb - Olivia Wednesdays Mar to Jun - Ann A Wednesdays Jul to Oct - Enid * Saturdays John G * Mondays Anne E Thursday evenings May to Aug Denys * this time Reserve dates by 31 Aug, 31 Dec, 30 Apr. Details needed 25 Sep, 25 Jan, 25 May. Collectors, thank you once again. Mike === FOOD AND DRINK ON MORNING WALKS Richard and Mike ask walks leaders to plan a "coffee" stop just before the first hour is up. This would not come amiss, as some members may have set off quite early. If the walk is between 6.1 and 7.9 miles long, (formerly called a long morning), it will need to be called a short day, and a second refreshment stop would slot in at 12.30, with 10 minutes leeway either way. 06/07/2016 === WELCOME TO PROSPECTIVE LEADERS If you are playing with the idea of leading us a walk and haven't led before, please have an informal chat with one of us first. Perhaps you could team up with someone else to lead and back-mark together! Mike Garner - Walks Programme Coordinator 01453 873625 === INCIDENT REPORT FORM It is essential that leaders report all incidents on Ramblers walks and other activities, even if they result in no or only minor injuries. Please use this form and return to Mike in the first instance. If serious they will be sent to our Secretary, Andrew, for possible onward transmission to Ramblers in London. Download the form HERE === GRADING OF OUR TERRAIN The South Cotswolds has a wide range of terrain and so we grade it for walkers' information: Terrain 0 = Level Terrain 1 = Not much climbing Terrain 2 = Hilly and level mix Terrain 3 = Quite hilly Terrain 4 = Very hilly Terrain 5 = Mountainous === CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR HOT WEATHER Richard and Mike ask walkers and walks leaders in particular to think carefully before taking part in Group Walks during any really hot spell (if we ever have another one!). We encourage anyone planning taking part to read it too. Read the message HERE === WATER ON HOT DAYS Just a reminder that with rising temperatures it is very important that you drink plenty of water on walks and I don't think many of us do. I have just visited Spain where the temperatures were only three or four degrees higher than here and a very experienced HF leader insisted that for a days walk we carried at least one and a half litres of water. It is only too easy to forget to drink as you walk and talk and take in the views but unless you keep your hydration levels up you could have problems. I am as guilty as the next Rambler, as I realised on Saturday when I got back and found I hadn't touched my water. My only excuse was Di wasn't there to look after me! Richard Davis 18/5/14 === LEISURELY MONDAY WALKS - 1ST, 3RD (AND 5TH) MONDAYS In order to provide a more comprehensive programme of walks to meet the needs of all walkers we are now doing short (no more than 4 miles), gentle paced sociable walks suitable for:- 1/ Those who are new to Ramblers and wish to build up their confidence and fitness before joining us on our other walks. 2/ Those who have been on Health Walks who want to move on to something slightly longer (but no longer than 4 miles). 3/ Existing members for whom our normal walks programme is becoming too strenuous. 4/ Any member who wants to sometimes amble rather than ramble, stop to admire the countryside, walk and talk, and possibly finish up with a half of shandy. === WALKERS ARE VERY WELCOME - WE HOPE! Ramblers CO have been busy identifying reasons why members leave the organisation. Most of you can guess the main ones but one in which we can all have a hand is that people leave because they were not made to feel welcome. We hope that in South Cots we do quite well in this area, but it is always worth remembering to welcome any new members and make sure that somebody speaks to them during the walk. === DO YOU MEASURE UP? With the introduction of our leisurely Monday walks the length of the walk is becoming more critical. We cannot advertise a short walk and then add on even half a mile. People come prepared for a certain distance bringing the appropriate amount of water and food. If you have any doubts about the length of your walk you can always ring Mike with the Explorer map handy and describe your route to him. He will then be able to give you an accurate measurement after checking it out on his computer. === OBSTRUCTED PATHS Problems have been experienced recently with walks in the Severn Vale along the river corridor. The overall standard of footpath maintenance is not good and there are a number of blocked footpaths. If you are thinking putting on a walk in this area it is worth doing a walk over as close as possible to the date of the walk. Mike Garner - Walks Programme Coordinator Richard Davis - Chairman |