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REFUGEE AID - STROUD Jane Hobdell writes, "My time in Idomeni on the Greek/ Macedonian border with the Refugee Aid-Stroud volunteers from April 1st - 5th. Lots of info at the Raz Ma Chaz shop at the top of town and on the websites. Donations gratefully accepted. If anyone would like to send their heartfelt thoughts in the form of a short note or small drawing it could be passed to me to put in my carry on luggage. They are feeding 3000 per day at a cost of 1000 euros per day". 22/03/2016 === OUR ANNUAL LUNCH This went off very well yesterday 16 January at the Bear of Rodborough, thanks to Sally's impeccable arrangements. Richard related a story about Sophia in his address, and we paused for a moment's remembrance. Photos are on the website! 17/01/2016 === SOPHIA SCHUTTS HAS DIED ............................... Sophia, one of our walks leaders, who was very seriously ill and moved into The Hollies Care Home, near the bottom of Long Street, Dursley last Sunday 10 January, died last night Tuesday 12 January. She appeared fine when she led a walk from Cambridge with Linda in early November but was diagnosed with cancer in December after getting stomach pains. I am sure South Cots Ramblers will be as shocked and saddened as I am. Mike 01453 873625 13/01/2016 === NEWS ABOUT MAURICE DYETT ............................... ![]() December 2015 - Sharron, Maurice's sister, writes, "I thought you might like an update as Maurice has now moved to a residential home in Sheffield. He made quite a lot of progress at the Kingham Unit in Bourton-on-the-Water, but he still needs quite a bit of help with his care. He moved into the new place yesterday so it's very early days but going well so far and it will make it much easier for us to visit him. His new address is Swallownest Care Home, Chesterfield Rd, Sheffield S26 4TL. His mobile no is 07912 552075. He is absolutely alert and interested and welcomes company and correspondence, so if anyone wants to give him a call or drop him a line I know he'd welcome it. Kind regards and a very merry Christmas to you and all at South Cotswold Ramblers." CLICK HERE for previous news of Maurice. === GREETINGS FROM NEPAL ![]() === APPEAL BY REFUGEE AID, STROUD http://refugeeaid-stroud.org is currently collecting donations for the Calais camps and Greek islands (see details of whats needed under Events). Contact refugeeaidstroud@gmail.com for drop off points (warehouse in Stonehouse and others). Warm and waterproof clothing of all kinds greatly appreciated, as well as sleeping bags, rucksacks etc. Thanks, Frances (South Cotswold Ramblers member) A chance for you to help refugees AND rationlise your walking clothes! === CHRISTMAS TREE We took down the Christmas tree in the St Laurence's church yesterday (6/12/15). Found we managed to get rid of 30 to 40 membership forms, badges and copies of our latest programme. Should get an influx of members wearing badges (?!) Richard .......... ![]() ![]() === EVER WALKED ACROSS BARMOUTH BRIDGE? ![]() ![]() "We know South Cotswold Ramblers have visited Barmouth. We wondered if any of them would be happy to sign this petition. We have known and loved this bridge." Kate and Richard Barlow (group members) BBC WALES NEWS ITEM It is threatened with closure to walkers and cyclists. Please read and perhaps sign the PETITION HERE. Mike LATEST - Now on Ramblers National website! === NEPAL EARTHQUAKE - SALLY DAVIS AND KEITH EYLES - LATEST NEWS - Featured in Walk Magazine August 2015 - Have you seen it? If any member or friend UK wide is interested in helping South Cotswold Ramblers' appeal further, please scroll down this page to see reports, radio interview and photos. Keith did a full report for our latest newsletter, to read it click here. Keith is planning on going out again in October to do some trekking and see the villagers. If you decide you want to help, great! Please send a cheque payable to Keith Eyles to 23 Bownham Park, Rodborough Common, Stroud, GL5 5BY. Please quote your email address if you have one. OR If you wish to pay by Bank Tranfer just email me at sallydavis@hotmail.co.uk and I'll send you the bank details. === LONG STAY CAR PARK DURSLEY?... The consultation on the planning application (to allow houses to be built on the Long Stay Car Park in Dursley with no replacement) is now closed. Thank you to members for writing in and gaining publicity in the Dursley Gazette. Over 35 objections were made in all. The planning reference is S.15/0476/OUT === NEPAL EARTHQUAKE - SALLY DAVIS AND KEITH EYLES - LATEST NEWS - SOME OF OUR MONEY IS ON THE WAY!! Tuesday 5 May 1800 - As of today, Keith was able to contact the wife of one of the villagers who has given him details of how to make a Western Union transfer. (She said that if we send it through the trekking connection, the Nepalese government would tax it!). You can only send £500 to start with, until Western Union trust you! Keith has sent this and we will send more later. Friday 1 May 0830 Read Keith and Sally's report HERE Sally continues, "Ive started a Keiths Disaster Appeal to raise money for the villagers of Ghorka near the epicentre. Keith said that money could certainly be got to them directly, circumventing the authorities and making sure that every penny goes to them. == == Saturday 2 May update - well over £1,000 already promised! Thank you everyone. Brilliant! == Click to read KEITH & SALLY'S REPORT WITH MORE PHOTOS ![]() Thu 30 April 0730 - Text - Keith got back OK. We got back to Sidcup at 2330. Had drinks, went to bed. Up at 0600. Keith doing an interview Radio Glos 0830 - Great photo. Click to hear Sally and Keith talking. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02q9sqf Wed 29 April 1900 - Sally has phoned - Keith managed to get to Kathmandu by walking 4 hours and bussing 10 hours. He slept on a lawn in Kathmandu last night. He flew today to Istanbul and checked in for his onward flight to Gatwick, but his first flight was 1.5 hours late so he missed the connection. He is now flying to Heathrow and is due in at 2045. Sally is taking a cab from Sidcup in Kent, where Keith's sister lives, and plans to take him back there tonight, and they will be back in Stroud tomorrow to deal with the "media frenzy!" === CATTLE AND HORSES ON FOOTPATHS Our chairman Richard Davis spoke on the Mark Cummings show on BBC Radio Gloucestershire this morning Mon 2 November, after an interview with a man trampled by cows in Wiltshire and another interview with an agricultural scientist. It was all about walking through fields with cattle and horses. To listen to this on BBCiPlayer go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0358ks0 press the play arrow and wind on to 2h 38m 49s. === RUTH'S ACCIDENT ![]() === COTSWOLD CANALS TRUST NEEDS YOUR IDEAS Tony Partridge is part of the Cotswold Canals Trust team preparing the bid for lottery funds for the Phase 1B development (The Ocean westwards under the A38 and M5 all the way to Junction Bridge). He says his own bit of this is to collect ideas from walkers and cyclists which would show that the canal towpath could provide new facilities and routes for local walkers and ramblers (and cyclists, and wheelchair users). But this is best done by asking 'real' walkers and cyclists, rather than just him putting his own ideas forward! If you want to see boats coming into Stroud, please do help! READ MORE === NEPAL EARTHQUAKE - SALLY DAVIS AND KEITH EYLES - LATEST NEWS - £5,300 sent so far! Hi all, Just wanted to thank everyone for their amazing generosity (also Keiths friend Saroj wanted to be sure that everyone had been thanked) and to let you know what the money has been used for. See South Cots. newsletter next month for details. Cheers Sally === EASY PARKING FOR DURSLEY WALKING FESTIVAL Oct 2015 - The Long Street long stay car park is still open. In addition up to 30 long stay spaces (over 3 hours) are available for walkers in Sainsburys car park during store opening hours. Please park at the far end of the car park and register at the Customer Service desk. Please dont forget the shorter South Cotswold Ramblers walk led by Peter and Sue starts at 13:50 for 14:00 this Saturday. === DURSLEY WALKING FESTIVAL - THIS WEEK! Oct 2015 - The programme for Dursley Walking Festival, which takes place over the coming long weekend Thursday 1st Sunday 4th October, is now available online. Just go to the 2015 Walking Festival page at www.dursleywelcomeswalkers.btck.co.uk and follow the link. This year the festival has grown to 18 walks over 3½ days, with a wide range of walks to suit different abilities and interests. Walks range from a 45 minute health walk to a 17 mile hike. Special interest walks include Walking and Sketching, Photography, Birdwatching and Local Heritage. There are two walks with families specifically in mind: Introduction to geo-caching and a Family Breakfast Walk. Dogs are welcome on some walks and one walk has been devised specifically to encourage dog walkers to join in the festival. Social events include a Quiz on Friday evening and a Heritage talk on Saturday evening and the Walking Festival closes with the ever popular Tea and Cakes on Sunday afternoon. All the walks are free, any donations to Dursley Welcomes Walkers or the organising groups are at the walkers discretion. There is a small charge for the social events. Printed copies of the programme will be available shortly. I do hope you will find at least one walk or social event you want to do and I look forward to seeing you at the festival. Karen === LAUNCH OF THE DURSLEY LANTERN WAY Those of you who enjoy a longer walk may be interested in the launch of the Lantern Way on Saturday 22nd August. The official opening of this 13.5 mile waymarked walk in the Dursley area will take place at 9:30am at the Market Place, Dursley, GL11 4BS. ST 756982. A lead walk of the entire route will then set off at 10:00 am. Further details will be available shortly at www.dursleywelcomeswalkers.btck.co.uk/TheLanternWay Coincidentally South Cotswold Ramblers have a walk in the Dursley area that day. You may well spot orange Lantern Way waymarks on this walk too. Karen === DUNSTER HOLIDAY Richard writes, "I have received 20 bookings for the Dunster holiday and the appropriate rooms have been reserved. In confirming the reservation the hotel told me that they still have vacancies. "Last year we did get several bookings after the closing date and while this did not cause a problem it did mean that some people did not get rooms which were as good as the rooms allocated to those who booked earlier. "If there are any members still interested in going you can still book but please get in as soon as possible to ensure satisfactory accommodation." Full Information is on page 2 of the February 2015 newsletter Click here === A NEW WAY TO CHOOSE GLOUCESTERSHIRE WALKS The paper GRWalks has been retired. The new Walksfinder and the wide availability of computers, tablets and smart phones has rendered it unnecessary. Try this link to see ALL walks of Gloucestershire Groups in date order. http://tinyurl.com/GRWalks Then click the title of a walk of interest to see further details and location maps (try the aerial photos and OS Maps!), even the nearest Postcode for SatNav enthusiasts. To see just our walks click http://tinyurl.com/SCRWalks === MADAM'S END FARM - We have just had a message from Ann E Conrad from Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada about Madam's End Farm. "I have read through the South Cotswold Ramblers walk and found the photos very interesting. Madam's End Farm is of great interest as my paternal grandfather lived there in the 1860 and 1870 years.With the decline of favourable agricultural conditions the farm was lost. William Brookes emigrated to Texas in 1880 and after ventures in farming in Texas and Canada eventually returned to Cheltenham where he lived out his years. I have always been fascinated by his story and have his published work which is in the archives at Gloucester. Thank you for the web page. From afar I feel as if I have seen the places where my family originated!" Photos on Bernard's walks (scroll down) HERE and HERE. === A MESSAGE FROM BERNARD SMITH, OUR RETIRING SECRETARY OF 12 YEARS "I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful card and cake presented to me at the AGM. Such a lot of thought and preparation went into this and was much appreciated, particular thanks must go to Richard and Diana for the wonderful cake. The card was signed by so many people with lovely comments. I would like to have shared the cake with you all but this was not possible and anyway I was selfishly pleased to keep it to myself. Thanks again to you all." 28/11/14 === RUTH COOK HAS DIED Members will be sad to hear that Ruth, a volunteer for our group, has died recently. She was a member of our footpath committee for many years, and will be particularly remembered for organising clearance working parties regularly up to about 2007. Her garage was full of bill hooks and slashers, ready for her volunteer team to use. She encouraged several (mainly) men along with delicious home made cake as a reward for their exertions. At one time Bernard was there regularly. The cremation will be held at Westerleigh Crematorium next Monday 22 December at 12 noon. 14/12/14 === CHRISTMAS TREE Richard writes, "Once again South Cotswold Ramblers have a tree in Stroud Parish Church tree festival. Please go along and have a look at it. The Festival is open for public viewing on:- Monday 1st December 10.00 am - 4.30 pm Tuesday 2nd December 10.00 am - 4.30 pm Wednesday 3rd December 10.00 am - 4.30 pm Thursday 4th December 10.00 am - 4.30 pm Friday 5th December 9.30 am - 8.30 pm (Goodwill Evening) Saturday 6th December 9.30 am - 5.00 pm Sunday 7th December 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm followed by Christmas Tree Festival SONGS OF PRAISE to which everybody is invited." 28/11/14 === DURSLEY WALKING FESTIVAL - UPDATED LATE NEWS - Denys reports that food will be served all day at the Old Crown, Uley on the Saturday of his walk. 3/10/14. Karen writes, "There are 16 walks in Dursleys 2014 Walking Festival which runs from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th October and caters for a wide range of abilities." Click HERE to see a PDF file of all the events. 2/10/14 === DURSLEY WALKING FESTIVAL This event took place over three days and was highly successful. See report HERE 16/10/14 === PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE LOOP For more than 20 years, Gloucestershire and surrounding counties have been looking for a solution to the Missing Link on the A417. The 5km stretch of road, near Nettleton Bottom, is the only single carriageway along the 50km route between the M4 and M5. And walkers need to take their lives into their hands crossing it when on the National Trail Cotswold Way and also the Gloucestershire Way - Click below to read more and pledge your support for the A417 loop. 4/9/14. ![]() === A417 LOOP RAMBLERS' PRESS RELEASE After consultation, Gloucestershire Ramblers put out a press release with qualified support for the scheme, pointing out urgent safety measures for walkers. Click HERE to read. See MAPS. 13/4/14. === MESSAGE FROM RON AND ROS "We would like a message included on the message board thanking everyone for the brilliant card wishing Ros and myself well for our wedding on the 29th August. We were very touched and appreciative." Ron 7/8/14 (See photos Wed 6 August) === KISSING GATE SITES? Bernard writes, "I am still looking for suitable sites for Kissing Gates. Please would everyone while out walking, look for broken stiles, difficult stiles, locked gates etc. and please let me know. A picture would be great but not essential, but a Grid Reference is essential (or precise location). Those of you with GPS can get a Grid Reference easily. Email me on smith.bernard@tesco.net or telephone 01453 884013". 27/6/14 === CONSULTATION ON GROUP WALKS We are consulting all our walks leaders about the format of our walks programme. Click here if you would like to see it, and if you have anything you'd like to say please Contact Us. 22/9/14 === THE ICE CREAM WALK No 8 The final walk along the West Mendips to the sea will be on Sat 4 October. Here is a suggested car route to Uphill, near Weston-super-Mare and details of the car shuttle to King's Wood NT CP. 7/8/14 === DURSLEY WALKING FESTIVAL 10TH-12TH OCTOBER Dursley Walking Festival will soon be upon us and promises to be even bigger and better this year. Full details can be found by visiting www.dursleywelcomeswalkers.org.uk. As well as a full range of walks covering short health walks, six, ten and even fifteen miles there are a number of themed walks including a dog walk, a photographic walk, a brewery walk, birds (steady boys they have got feathers), geo-caching and a heritage walk. In addition there will be a talk on the history of Dursley and a quiz. South Cots will be contributing to the programme with two walks and I hope as many of our members as possible will support some of the other walks. Richard Davis Chairman. === HURRY FOR LULWORTH HOLIDAY! Two more people have rung me to book and I have heard that 3 others are interested. I also have had an excellent report from one of our members. Please act NOW! Although the official closing date for bookings for the Lulworth Cove Holiday from 11th to 15th May next year was 15th July, I might be able to save you a place or two if you are very very quick. Please ring Mike on 01453 873625 now! SEE DETAILS HERE 7/8/14. === THE NEXT NICHOLA BENEDETTI ? Judge for yourself this Saturday Don't miss the next Stroud Symphony Orchestra summer concert this Sat 28 June, when Hannah Brooks-Hughes aged 10 will be playing one of the most popular pieces on Classic FM, The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams. She started learning when she was 4 and has already won several competitions. I heard her at rehearsal during the last two weeks. She really is something else. Click for more details. Tickets on the door or at Stroud Sub Rooms. CORRECTION Tickets in advance are £10 or £8 concessions (children free). 24/6/14 === OUR NEWSLETTER IS COMING! The NEW Group Newsletter will be published this coming week. Look out for it! As well as 59 more group walks, there will be details of a walking holiday at Lulworth Cove which is likely to be very popular - first come first served! Also details of the next Stroud Symphony Orchestra concert coming up, including a remarkable violin player only 10 years old. Area News has details of a new pilot project in Gloucestershire with Ordnance Survey, where YOU have a chance to improve OS mapping. 8/6/14 === COME AND HEAR JOHN HEATHCOTT AT AMBERLEY Click for details John Heathcott, the respected and knowledgeable Cotswold Warden, is giving a talk on "The Cotswold Area of Outstanding National Beauty" in Amberley Parish Rooms (beneath the church) at 7.00 for 7.30pm on this coming Tuesday 10th June. Entry is free and all are welcome although the talk has been arranged by the local Royal British Legion so donations would be appreciated. Wine will be available for purchase. Brian W. 8/6/14 === NAILSWORTH WALKING FESTIVAL 25 May - 7 June "I was pleased to meet some of your group walking near Nailsworth on Saturday morning. Please find details of the NHP walking festival at http://www.nailsworthhealthpartnership.org/walking_festival.htm and hope to see some of you on one of our many varied walks." Marilyn Miles 11/5/14 === DO YOU WALK IN THE DURSLEY AREA? The first AGM of Dursley Walkers are Welcome will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 4th June at the Community Centre, Rednock Drive, Dursley. The aim of this group is to encourage and facilitate walking in the Dursley area and the group is currently organisingthe 2014 Dursley Walking Festival and much more. If you would like to help, have ideas about what should be done, or if you just want to find out more, then please come along. Karen 31/5/14 === LIKE TO LEARN ABOUT RIGHTS OF WAY AND ACCESS LAW? Hello Rambler's Members Im just getting in touch about the two volunteer training courses that we are running at the end of next week on the 6th and 7th June. The training will be an introduction to rights of way and access law. The sessions are aimed at those who are new to rights of way work including those on volunteer path teams - and will provide an overview relevant legislation and how they affect our work. Id be grateful if you could let the members of your volunteer path team know. They are taking place: · 6th June at Edgar Hall, Taunton · 7th June at the Grand Theatre, Swansea We will cover all travel expenses for the event and if anyone would like to come along you can sign up and find out further details at http://www.ramblers.org.uk/what-we-do/events-index/2014/june/volunteer-development-day-swansea.aspx. In the meantime if you do have any questions please do not hesitate to let me know. Best Wishes, Ed Wilson Volunteer Support & Development Officer Tel: 0207 339 8520 29/5/14 === MESSAGE FROM SALLY If anyone would like anything put in the next newsletter which comes out in June, can they please email it to sallydavis@hotmail.co.uk by 29th May. Thanks. How about sending her a description of an all-time favourite walk? (Mike) 13/5/14 === WALK - WEDNESDAY 7 MAY - GET WALKING WEEK Ann A's walk from the British Oak in London Road, Stroud is a good chance to get your boots on for a 5 mile walk followed by a 2 course meal for £6 - carvery or veg option. 15/4/14. === STROUD ECO OPEN HOMES 3rd and 4th May Your chance to visit some Eco Homes this coming weekend - details HERE. Of particular interest to regular walkers is that one of them is Jane's new house at Cashes Green. She says, "I have been asked to include my new home in the Eco Open Homes put on by Transition Stroud. My home will be open from 11am 'til 5pm on Sunday next May 4th. (32 Old Hospital Lawn). 28/4/14. === ICE CREAM WALK NO 4 - SAT 26 APRIL - SUGGESTED CAR ROUTES Patrick and Angela helped Mike and Heather do the walkover from South Wraxall to Monkton Combe via Bradford on Avon, and what a great 8.5 mile walk it is. Hope the weather on 26 April is as fine as yesterday. We had two proper toilet opportunities, a lunch stop watching the boats go chugging by and a cuppa and a Marshfield or Magnum ice cream one mile from the end of the walk at Brassknocker Basin! Click here to see and print off suggested car routes. 11/4/14. === WALK - WEDNESDAY 16 APRIL - ROAD CLOSURE Does the road closure have an effect on next Wednesday's walk? I think the road from Nailsworth to the Weighbridge is open & possibly from Minchinhampton to the Weighbridge, but not from Weighbridge to Avening & Tetbury. I think it's closed at Longfords Mill. Sally. YES. Do not approach Weighbridge from Avening as the road is closed due to the replacement of Gas Mains. Roads open from Nailsworth and Minch.11/4/14. === JUST A QUICK REMINDER! Just a reminder that the Rohan Cheltenham 15% off for ramblers groups weekend is this weekend, the 12th and 13th April. Along side this there is the chance to win a waterproof jacket worth up to £250. If you could remind your members that would be much appreciated. Many thanks. Phillip House, Store Manager 7/4/14. === FLOODING: ADVICE FOR WALKERS Attached is a link to the Ramblers Website with advice to walkers and walk leaders in these exceptionally bad weather conditions. As a Group we shall continue to run led walks; but I hope our members will bear with us if Walk Leaders have to make changes to the published programme because of flooding. http://www.ramblers.org.uk/what-we-do/news/2014/february/flooding-advice-for-walkers.aspx Leaders might wish to have a message put on our website if there is any doubt or indeed a reason to cancel. Please let Mike know as soon as it is possible. It is recommended that intending walkers look at the Messages before setting off. 15/2/14. === STROUD WALKING FESTIVAL Due to lack of volunteers to organise the event the Stroud Walking Festival has been cancelled for the coming year. 6/2/14 === GLOS PROW OUTSOURCING You may be interested to read the document concerning the GCC outsourcing contact for PROW. It was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and gives a bit of an insight into the approach to PROW by Amey. There is no mention of money. Certainly they do not seem to see volunteers as a major player in their operation, although there does seem to be scope for a more frequent monitoring of footpaths than once every 10 years! Click the link here. === HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ERROL & PIP Errol & Pip "from the beautiful South" send their best wishes - "Still keeping track of you guys throuth the wind & rain!" === THE ICE CREAM WALK IN COUNTRY WALKING MAGAZINE! Many of you will have noticed the publicity which we received from our local paper following the completion of the first stage of The Ice Cream Walk. If you subscribe to Country Walking Magazine, the latest edition also contains the report on page 23 complete with photo. If you don't subscribe, why not sneak a look at your local newsagent? Richard === A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY We are planning a holiday in Dunster next September for 4 nights starting on the seventh. I am awaiting formal confirmation from the hotel and full details will be in the next news letter. Meanwhile you might like to make a note in your diary. Richard === THE ICE CREAM WALK - missed part 1? ![]() ![]() Members - If you missed part 1 from Rodborough to Westonbirt last month and are interested in joining in, we can supply you with a detailed map of part 1 so that you and a friend (with 2 cars) can do this linear 10 mile walk on your own and thus catch up before February. Just Contact Us with your request. === PETER ROBERTS ![]() === ENGLAND COAST PATH After a discouraging reaction from the Environment Minister (he called the coast path a sledgehammer to miss a nut) it now appears that the Government have listened to the Ramblers' Campaign. The path from Brean Down to Minehead in Somerset is now being planned! See this link and please support the proposal with your comments! === THE WALKING PARTNERSHIP Richard reports on 31 October, "I have today received notification from Ramblers Holidays that they will shortly be crediting our bank account with £130 for holidays taken by Group members with them for the period from the 21st April to the 20th October 2013. Thanks to all those who took holidays with Ramblers and nominated South Cots to receive the donation under the Walking Partnership." === FOUND - IS THIS YOURS?? "Following the walk on Saturday 12 October from Whiteshill I found a Leki Air Ergo Super Makalli walking pole left by the fence. Please contact me by phone 01453 751581 or email denysthompson@hotmail.com " === TROUBLE AT THE WATER PARK Cirencester Group members including Richard Holmes their Footpath Secretary are planning to attend a public meeting on Tuesday 15 October. Residents and ramblers are seeking action over a SIX YEAR "temporary" closure of a footpath - If you live over that way or feel strongly you could go too. READ MORE UPDATE Your support is need this Tuesday 15 October 7:00pm Lechlade Memorial Hall, Oak Street, Lechlade, GL7 3AY (Park at the sports centre behind where Cirencester Group meet when they do Lechlade walks), to help protect the public footpath around Bowmoor Lake. Richard Holmes has been working on this project for quite some time and your support would be greatly appreciated. This is a public meeting to discuss the footpath around Bowmoor Lake that has been closed for 5 years. You may have seen Richards photograph in the Standard this week, or on their website. An impressive presence by the Ramblers will add weight to the campaign; were hoping to generate more publicity from this. Post-meeting discussion in the New Inn afterwards. For more details contact Richard Holmes horbox@hotmail.comm 01285 659628 or Jenny Baker jenny.sewing@hotmail.com 07816 249 948 === SHROPSHIRE HOLIDAY PHOTOS These are all now done and on the website. If there is any member out there interested in joining the group booked to go to the super HF Dewent Bank next May for 4 or 7 nights, I would advise you to let Mike know sooner rather than later. Ignore the closing date on the form, and Mike will check to see if there is still any room. Details here. === THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE WAY Saturday (7 Sep 2013) saw the completion of the final leg of our Gloucestershire Way walk. Eleven of the Group completed every leg of the 100 mile walk and ten were there on Saturday to receive their certificates. A big thankyou to Mike for all of his organisational input and to Sally and her assistant Enid for organising the final tea and cake celebrations which rounded off the whole event. Sally has a definite talent for certificate production. ![]() Our photo shows the group at the finishing point, Tewkesbury Abbey. Richard Davis Chairman PS Not forgetting Richard, our co-leader with the guide book, camera. i/c poetry and overriding Mike's technology on occasion and special thanks to our two good ladies, Diana and Heather for their superb support! Mike Garner, joint leader. === STROUD WALKING FESTIVAL This year's Festival was launched on Saturday 7th September with a marquee at the Festival of Nature in Stratford Park, Stroud. In it we had four display tables on which to advertise all aspects of walking in the 5 Valleys. Somewhat lacking on the artistic side I enlisted Di's help to set up the display and she made I wonderful job of it. I blew up the balloons. ![]() Unfortunately, due to a clash of fixtures, I was unable to attend on the day as we were on the last section of the Gloucestershire Way, but managed to bring Bernard back out of retirement to man the stall which he did most successfully together with Ann Adams. Thanks to both of them for stepping in at the last minute and helping to promote our cause. Richard === THE ICE CREAM WALK - PREVIEW Following the success of the Gloucestershire Way linear walk,with 15 regular walkers, and which finishes in September, read here about plans for the next tasty offering. May we tempt a few more of you? === DID YOU SIGN UP TO SUPPORT THE LOOP? NEW The Highways Agency has come out in support of the A417 loop near Air Balloon and Nettleton Bottom and the government is due to decide which roads will be allocated the funding. Over 4,600 people and organisations have signed up in support so far, including Gloucestershire Ramblers. Read more here and pledge your support here. === A417 LOOP AT AIR BALLOON Please READ THIS about the new proposals for the improvement of the very dangerous A417 at Air Balloon and proposals for the Cotswold Way and the Gloucestershire Way. As many of your comments as possible need to be made by the end of March! 31/3/14. === MICHAEL POOLE We have just heard the tragic news from his daughter that Michael Poole, the former footpath secretary of the South Cotswold Ramblers, was drowned in the sea recently whilst on holiday in New Zealand. Many members will remember Ann and Michael leading many walks for us. He was footpath secretary of the group from about 2000 to 2007 before they moved to Kent. He was also a very keen croquet player. He had moved to Stroud, partlyfor the croquet and of course the Cotswold countryside, and on researching his family history he amazingly discovered many connections with Stroud. Click here to see a very special walk he led in 2002. 14/3/14 === REPORT THOSE PROBLEMS - NEW PAGE Have you recenly encountered a difficult stile, crop obstruction, etc, etc? Click the new Footpaths link on our website for guidance on reporting obstructions to footpaths; information on responsibilities for the upkeep of stiles and paths and the role of the South Cotswold Group Footpath Committee. === LINDA BOLTON Members who remember Linda Bolton will be sad to hear that she died peacefully at home on 1st July after a long courageous fight against Leukemia. Pam Some photos of Linda in happier times here === HOT WEATHER AND GROUP WALKS - IMPORTANT Richard and Mike are asking walkers and walks leaders in particular to think carefully before taking part in Group Walks whilst this hot spell lasts. We are emailing a message to the next few walks leaders and would encourage anyone planning taking part in an upcoming walk to read it too. Read message HERE === RODBOROUGH FIELDS AND FROME BANKS .....Developers have applied to build on Rodborough Fields and construct a two lane road bridge through Frome Banks Nature Reserve. Much of this area has AONB status. It is highly valued by the community and visitors for its heritage, wildlife, access and amenity uses. These areas are vital for the character of the Stroud Valleys and the Cotswolds AONB. .....If you wish to oppose the development you can do so by registering an objection to the planning authority, Stroud District Council, as outlined on the Rodborough Fields Preservation Group website at http://www.rodboroughfields.org.uk/how-you-can-help/ .....We are being faced with more and more of these applications in our area and as Ramblers we must do all we can to protect our countryside where we feel it is being detrimentally affected. Richard Davis, Group Chairman. === STROKE RECOGNITION Remind yourself how to spot a possible stroke === CONTACTING THE EMERGENCY SERVICES IN WILD PLACES - 999 or 112? Watch this short video on how best to use the (relatively) new 112 number, especially if you are in a remote area: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPZv_8dABfU&feature=player_embedded Don't be put off by the fact that it is on Youtube. This is actually very useful. === DURSLEY WALKERS ARE WELCOME See the new website www.dursleywelcomeswalkers.org.uk, and shortly details of the October festival. === A46 DUNKIRK MILL CROSSING PETITION As a walking group we often take our lives into our hands crossing the A46 at Dunkirk Mill, between Inchbrook bends and Nailsworth. Nailsworth Town Council already have over 750 signatures on a petition to install traffic lights similar to those at Woodchester. Read about it HERE and HERE. If you agree, please sign the petition HERE (bottom right of screen). === CONGRATULATIONS JOHN Group member John Lang has won the Doggerell Award from Walk Magazine with his verse "Rambling On" first published on page 7 of our February 2013 newsletter, see details and read the verse on the Walk website. (Discovered on twitter!) === TWEET US GENTLY You may have noticed our link inviting you to "Follow @SCotsRamblers". The experts (the twitterati) amonst you will know that this is our new South Cotswold Twitter Account and know all about it. If you know nuffin' and wish to see what the fuss is all about I recommend this article from Age-UK - whatever your antiquity. The main thing for anyone thinking of joining is that you can follow (read messages) of other organisations and people without tweeting (sending messages) yourself - it's like your own personalised news network. Please let us know how you get on. Mike. === USE YOUR LOAF! Halls The Quality Bakers have shops in Nailsworth, Stroud, Cirencester and Malmesbury and would like to offer all South Cotswold Ramblers' members a 10% discount on all our range of Breads, Rolls, Morning Goods, Cakes, Savouries, Drinks and Sandwiches. Please show your membership card to our shop staff to receive the 10% discount. We are open Monday to Sunday in Stroud and Cirencester and Monday to Saturday in Nailsworth and Malmesbury. Freshly Baked Goods made by real Cotswold Bakers over 108 years of Craft Baking. === MILLETS IN STROUD John G has been into Milletts in the High Street in Stroud, and the staff have told him that a new lease has been acquired for the premises! They are selling all their normal range of goods, not just clearance items. === NEW e-Newsletter MEMBERS THANK YOU GREATLY! It is pleasing to report that 14 paper members have responded to my appeal to try e-Newsletters since the insert went out. We now have 68% of our members receiving colour newsletters in ths way. Any more for any more? You can always revert back to paper if you wish. Contact Us if you wish to join in. === TRY OUR UPDATED SEARCH ENGINE (TOP RIGHT) Prepare to be amazed! Search our website for ANY word, and get a list of all the pages containing the word. For example, I've just searched for "allotment" and "railway". Please let us know if you have done any interesting searches. Mike. === THANK YOU TO ALL VOLUNTEERS Bernard Smith, our secretary, has recently had a telephone call from Central Office. They wished to thank all our Group volunteers for all the work that you do during the year. This is the first time they have telephoned all the Groups passing on their thanks, and they requested that Bernard passed the message on to everyone in the Group who volunteers in any way. They also reminded Bernard of the new Ramblers' website which is now available and asked if the webmaster could please give them his comments on the new site. More details HERE. === PRECAUTIONS AGAINST LIGHTNING If you get caught out in a thunderstorm whilst walking what's the best thing to do? Heather reminded me of the list she always carries with her. We once followed this advice when we were on a remote Scottish island (Jura) about 3 miles from any habitation or road. The air was fizzling (if that's a word) so we followed the advice, threw our walking poles away (temporarily) and crouched down in a ditch with heads tucked in - and survived! Read (and perhaps print off) the full advice HERE === ISLE OF WIGHT NOT INCLUDED IN THE ENGLISH COAST PATH? A message from Mike Slater of the IOW Ramblers: Ive walked on the Isle of Wight for many years. I campaigned with the Ramblers for an English Coastal Path a campaign we won a few years ago. While I was delighted that mainland England would have a path around its coastline. I am sad that the Isle of Wight is excluded from these plans. Thats why Ive worked with local Ramblers to get the support of the Chamber of Commerce and the Island Council. Weve shown that a proper coastal path close to the sea and avoiding dangerous roads would be of great benefit to all walkers and a boost to our local economy. Now I need all ramblers' help too. Together, weve persuaded the Government to ask whether our Island should have the same right to a coast path as the rest of England. Please show your support today by telling the Government that you support a Coastal Path for the Isle of Wight. Thanks, Mike Slater, Isle of Wight Ramblers. Please sign the Petition HERE === DISCOUNTS AT ATTWOOLLS Attwoolls, Whitminster gave Olivia 5% discount last week for a Regatta jacket that was already marked down. Worth showing your membership card! === THE MONARCHY IS SAFE IN BERNARD'S HANDS Bernard was disappointed that the weather put people off his recent Cirencester ghost walk. He reports that Richard and John turned up. "Our other absent members do not know what they were missing. There was light steady rain at the time. I suppose it was because of the Jubilee celebrations, a walk on Saturday and the rain." === DURSLEY LONG STAY PARKING CONSULTATION Message received from Alison Fisk, Head of Asset Management at Stroud District Council:
Mike PS At their meeting on 3 April 2012, Dursley Town Council passed a resolution, "That Council would write separately to Stroud District Council to propose that permanent long stay parking be included in the new vision for the Littlecombe site." === LONG STAY PARKING CHANGES PROPOSED FOR DURSLEY No fewer than 45 people contacted us to say that they had individually written to Stroud District Council to express their concerns in the consultation which if the proposal became operative would mean the Long Street long stay car park would be permit only, leaving groups of walkers and cyclists with a problem. Richard and Mike then sent a constructive letter on behalf of the Group READ HERE to Stroud DC wth a copy to Dursley Town Council, who discussed the matter last Tuesday 3 April at their meeting. There are details of the meeting on their website here and here (item 9.4). Richard and Mike went along to the meeting and took part in the discussion. There did not seem to be any support from Town Councillors for the permits for traders proposal which would close the the Long Stay CP to walkers, cyclists and other visitors. We await to see Stroud District Council's next move. (See update above) === WILD BOAR AND YOUNG FAMILY Filmed in the Forest of Dean last week.HERE === TONY DRAKE MBE UPDATE Two more articles about Tony, whose funeral took place at Cheltenham yesterday 21 March. The Crematorium was packed with some people having to stand. Visitors travelled from far and wide including Wales and London. At the humanist ceremony Mavis Rear detailed many of the highlights and achievements of his life and they are reported HERE Walk Magazine carries a feature on Tony's amazing creation the Cambrian Way HERE Cambrian Way website HERE === TONY DRAKE MBE HAS DIED ..................................... ![]() Gloucestershire's long term Area Footpath Secretary died on Wednesday 7 March 2012. . Eugene Suggett has written an excellent obituary detailing the many facets of his life which is on the Guardian website. One large part of Tony's contribution to help all walkers not mentioned in the article was his "White Roads" Campaign, where after a pilot map was published in North Wales he managed to persuade Ordnance Survey to mark all "white roads" on maps with circles (green on Explorer maps) if they were a public right of way - just look at any maps and there they are! Before that we had to guess if they were open to the public or just a farm track. === PACERPOLES FREE TRIAL - We've tried them, and aren't we glad we did! If you come on a Group Walk these days you will nearly always see one or more members with Pacerpoles - why? Well just ask the enthusiastic users including Andrew, Heather, Mike, Jacqui, Diane, Margaret, Sheila, Ian, Roy. Group member Pam Browne writes, "Pacerpoles have been referred to as the thinking man's walking pole, designed by health professional Heather Rhodes, and focusing on how to encourage better body posture. Better posture means that lungs can function better and this in turn leads to increased distance for less effort, and also delivers long term health benefits. The hand position in the unique handle design controls the 'armstride' keeping the shoulders down and back." Pacerpoles can be tried without any obligation - Pam keeps a supply for this, and she can be contacted on 01453 832907. Website here. Interview with Heather Rhodes here. === A MESSAGE FROM JANE I worked for 15 years as a stress manager and I am now returning to work from home more informally. My website has been updated www.janehobdell.co.uk I offer an hour long free assessment session. I would love to hear from you or anyone you know if you feel I could be of value. === LANDOWNERS' PLANS WOULD HIT ACCESS FOR WALKERS Outdoor campaigners have accused the country landowners organisation of reneging on a two-year-old agreement to work together on rights of way. Benedict Southworth, new chief executive of Ramblers, speaks out. Read more... === PACERPOLES Ever wondered about Pacerpoles? Wonder what the fuss is all about? Seen some of our members with them? Have a look at page 84 of the new Walk magazine. Some people find them extremely helpful in maintaining a good posture over any distance or terrain at any speed. Can be tested for 4 weeks without obligation. And no, I am not on commission, just a very pleased user. Walking for Health website Mike === STILES - DID YOU KNOW? Who is responsible for gates, stiles, bridges and any injury caused on Public Rights of Way? Following Bernard's correspondence with Ramblers Central Office and Gloucestershire Public Rights of Way Department, he has clarified that the responsibility for footpath stiles, gates etc. are the responsibility of the landowner. The Highway Authority is responsible for bridges over water courses and the surface of Public Rights of Way. Stiles etc. are the property of the landowner. It is the landowner (or more probably, one of his predecessors long ago) who put up the fence or planted the hedge that makes the stile necessary, so the stile is the landowners just as the hedge is. It follows that if it is defective and a user is injured, the landowner will be liable for the injury, just as if it were some other feature of the land which caused the damage. ---- Richard Davis, our chairman, adds, "Obviously we as ramblers can only report these things to Glos PROW (see our recent newsletter) and their ability to react will, I assume, be getting increasingly restricted. I think we will have to rely on the fact that they note all reported problems on their website and there it stays until sorted - which could be at a much later date when economics allow us to achieve the Utopia we are looking for. In the meantime, where appropriate, it doesn't hurt to use terminology like 'extremely dangerous' or 'could cause serious injury' or 'I am bringing a party of up to 40 ramblers on this footpath next month' when reporting the problem." ---- PS Easier Reporting Online - Go to www.gloucestershire.gov.uk Centre screen look for Do it online, click REPORT IT, then click Report a Problem with a Public Right of Way. That's it! === ALNMOUTH HOLIDAY MESSAGE FROM LEADER PETER 8 July 2011 - As I am visiting the Cotswolds tomorrow I've finally got round to looking at your Alnmouth photos. They are excellent and give a lovely pictorial record. Please pass on my regards to anyone who was there. By the way, definitely water avens. Hope to see your group again. Peter HFHolidays === NORTHUMBERLAND HOLIDAY - A MESSAGE FROM ONE OF OUR MEMBERS Homesick! Fantastic holiday photos but you have made me feel homesick. The Wooler countryside is just like Peebles area and the Northumberland coast like East Lothian where I went every week. Never visited Alnwick which looks fab-better get back home :-) Jacqui B 20 group members are back from a very enjoyable holiday at HF Alnmouth, where they made friends with others from all over the country. Lots of photos to show you the great walks and weather they had. See them here. === START PLACE IDEAS FOR LEADERS TRY THIS Stuck for walks ideas? On the Leaders Page is a list of car parks and pubs we have used recently (over 100!). This may inspire you to invent a new walk, or remember one we did long ago. There are clickable map links, and remember the zoom controls (+ and -) to see different scale maps. If you have any comments about the places or indeed this feature, please get in touch with Mike. === ZWARTBLES SHEEP IN LEONARD STANLEY Bernard has sighted some large Dutch sheep locally. Read more ![]() === MORE KISSING GATES John and Bernard have been out and about fixing labels on more kissing gates financed by the Group from sales of the Group's Favourite Walks Books. ![]() === JOHN RECEIVES HIS AWARD LATEST Regular walking members with the Group were delighted to read in the latest Walk magazine page 38 that South Cotswold Rambler John Geoghegan has been awarded the Ramblers' Making Newcomers Welcome Award. Click HERE and scroll down to the bottom to read the full story. Last Saturday he attended the Ramblers' General Council at Oxford, and chairman Richard has sent us a photo of John taken shortly after he received his award which comprised a framed certificate signed by Julia Bradbury and an OS map of Gloucestershire with details of the award printed on it. Click the image for a larger version. .................................................. ![]() === COTSWOLD WATER PARK THREATENED FOOTPATHS PETITION URGENT Below is a link to the online petition to safeguard all the threatened footpaths in the Cotswold Water Park. Over 1,600 people have signed already. We would ask everyone to support this petition as the Water Park is an area where we regularly walk. To make an impression on the authorities, lots of signatures are needed. Please tell your friends! http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/footpaths The reasoning behind the petition is explained here. "Full marks for instigating this petition. One should resist all attempts by those in authority to permanently close public access to footpaths" "The freedom to walk in the countryside is one of the great pleasures in life. We must fight to continue this tradition." === MEDICAL ALERT CARD + REMINDER Concern has always been expressed about the possibility of someone being taken ill on a Group walk and no information being available of medical conditions or emergency contacts. Gloucester Group has come up with the idea of medical cards being supplied to all members, which they can fill in and carry with them inside their rucksacks near the top. Mike has refined the idea and has come up with a card and a plastic wallet, which he will be making available to all members on led group walks. I may have some too if he is not there. The cards are free and the protective wallets, if needed, cost 30p. If you would like one or both sent by post, please send a SAE to Mike as detailed in the February 2010 Newsletter with an extra unused 2nd class stamp as payment if you want a plastic wallet. You can also print out your own card(s). Click here ![]() ![]() Carrying a card will be entirely voluntary; making things compulsory with ramblers never seems to work, but the more you think about it the better the idea becomes. In fact I cant think why we didnt introduce these cards years ago! Richard Davis, Group Chairman === DOWNLOADABLE COTSWOLD WAY CIRCULAR WALKS James Blockley, the National Trails Officer for the Cotswold Way gave a very interesting talk on the history of the Cotswold Way and the latest developments at the Area AGM. These included a series of circular walks based on the Cotswold Way, which can be downloaded from their website and the provision of a mobility scooter scheme for the disabled. === MORE FAVOURITE WALKS RECENT A series of diversions at Valley Farm, Edgeworth has made the walk from Sudgrove to Miserden 600 metres shorter and much simpler to follow. See Update page (Walk 4) === OUR KISSING GATES We have now bought 10 kissing gates with profits from our walking book sales. To see their locations click here for John Corry's photos and maps. === LOSING YOUR GRIP? John reports that Timpson's in Stroud have resoled his Brasher boots with Vibram for £48. You have to take the boots (any brand) in and they will need to order the correct size, which can take 14 days or so. Cotswold Outdoor do this too but charge £69. === OH DEAR! ![]() ![]() The photos show the deer which has taken up with a herd of cattle on Westley Farm near Frampton Mansell. It was taken on the 20th Sept when Di and I did a walk over for our walk on the 22nd Sept. The following week it was on BBC Points West who sent a film crew along and it has now appeared in the Stroud News & Journal. I probably missed an opportunity here but at least we know we were there first. Richard === SOUTH WEST COAST PATH RECENT Our photo (CLICK HERE for a large one) shows four members of South Cotswold Ramblers and Stroud Rambling Club who recently finished the South West Coast Path, Helen, Alex, Vennae and George. There were 14 walkers on the final stage although only Alex, who organised and provided the inspiration for the four and a half year marathon, and George were present for every stage. Well done to all involved === BERNARD'S WALK ![]() . === KISSING GATE OPENING WALK We're in the News (and Journal) === NEWLY ADDED HISTORICAL PHOTOS - MORE thanks again to Margaret McArdell. She has now sent holiday photos from 1997 and 1998 - didn't we look young? And some more in our area. === GREAT WEBSITE TO IDENTIFY WILD FLOWERS RECENT Pam reports that there is a great website www.floralimages.co.uk which you can use to identify wild flowers, funghi etc. They are not trying to sell you anything and the photography is superb. If all you know is "it was a pink flower" you can search under "pink"! Have a look, it's addictive. === walk - THE MAGAZINE OF THE RAMBLERS - WEBSITE This is updated daily, and is a good source of interesting reading === SMALL ADS - Contact us with your wording to sell that clothing or boots! TOP |
ALL ARE WELCOME . This series of short (no more than 4 miles), gentle sociable walks is suitable for:- 1/ Those new to Ramblers and wish to build up their confidence and fitness. 2/ Those who have been on Health Walks and want to try slightly longer walks. 3/ Existing members for whom our normal walks are becoming too strenuous. 4/ Anyone who sometimes wants an amble rather than a ramble, stopping to admire the countryside, walking and talking, and possibly finishing up with a half of shandy or perhaps even a light lunch. === Our Start The Week Gentle walks are held at 10:30 on Mondays, usually twice a month. Click to see all our Walks HERE. Membership is not necessary for your first three trial walks. Just turn up! Ring us for more information if you need it - ring Mike on 01453 873625 for general information or ring the walk leader about the walk itself. ![]() Please support the South Cotswold Ramblers - we receive funding every time you take a holiday with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays. Click here for more information, then click on the link to the Walking Partnership and scroll down. SIMON KING ON GRID REFERENCES ![]() . |